Forest Pests

Trees are host to a number of moth species that exhibit high population densities, leading to widespread forest health decline across North America and Europe. The most significant forest defoliators are the Gypsy Moths, Budworms, Tussock Moths, Tent Caterpillars and Loopers in North America, and Processionary Moths and Gypsy Moths in Europe.

Populations of forestry defoliators can display cyclical highs and lows (see figure below for gypsy moth) as do government appropriations for corresponding treatment programs. The population fluctuations may range from very low levels over wide areas for 3-10 years followed by rapid growth to epidemic levels lasting 2-4 years. In addition to affecting forest health, the caterpillars of Processionary Moths are covered with allergenic body hairs that can cause allergic reactions in humans.

Factors that contribute to population cycles of forest defoliators are complex. Tri-trophic interactions – interactions among the tree hosts, the insect defoliator, and natural enemies – all contribute to population fluctuations.  For example, slow- growing older trees have weaker defenses than younger trees against defoliators, and wet springs favor diseases that reduce defoliator survival.  Therefore, some conditions may favor caterpillar survival and population growth while other conditions may not.

The Pine Moth generally produces one generation a year, although some individuals can require two years to complete development...
The Tussock Moth is native to the forests of western North America producing one generation a year. After overwintering, the eggs hatch in spring (May to June)...
The Eastern Spruce Budworm produces one generation per year, and prefers to feed on Balsam fir, although White, Red, and Black Spruce are all suitable hosts...
The Eastern and the Western Hemlock Looper are closely related and are now recognized as a single native species by many scientists...
The Jack Pine Budworm produces one generation per year and while it prefers to feed on Jack Pine, Scots Pine, Red and White Pine can be occasional...
The Nun Moth has a one-year life cycle but unlike many other lepidopteran forest pests, it overwinters as an embryonic larva inside the egg...
The Pine Processionary moth produces normally one generation per year, but its lifecycle may extend over two years at higher...
The European Spongy Moth is found throughout Europe and in numerous locations in North America. Accidentally introduced to North America in 1869...
All Tent Caterpillars are native insects having a similar life cycle and they are the most widely distributed insect species in North America...
The Western Spruce Budworm produces one generation per year, and prefers to feed on Douglas-fir, although true firs (such as Grand fir, Sub-alpine etc.)...