
MaxCel® Plant Growth Regulator

MaxCel® Plant Growth Regulator, also known as Cylex™ Plant Growth Regulator in some regions, is a formulation of the plant growth regulator 6-benzyladenine (6-BA), a potent fruit thinner used in apples and pears. 6-BA promotes cell division and fruit growth beyond the thinning effect without over-stressing the tree. Its state-of-the-art formulation includes a built-in surfactant that improves activity under a wide range of conditions. MaxCel helps to adjust crop load and ensure annual cropping while saving growers money.

  • Promotes fruit thinning, enhancing fruit size and reducing hand thinning labor
  • Enhances fruit size, improving packout
  • Increases return bloom, allowing more consistent yields across years
  • Promotes tree branching in nursery and established young orchards, ensuring early fruit production to offset establishment costs

Increase thinning and sizing ​

MaxCel offers a unique mode of action that enhances fruit size, cell division, and fruit growth without over-stressing the tree.

Reduce alternate bearing

MaxCel increases returning bloom, reducing alternate bearing and allowing orchards to provide consistent yields from year to year.

Experience versatile applications

MaxCel can be tank-mixed with other thinners, such as NAA or carbaryl.

Boost returns

Reduce hand-thinning costs, improve packout and marketable yield, increase return bloom, and more.

Key Crops



Learn more about MaxCel

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