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Species of the Anopheles mosquito can be found throughout the world in temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas.

The Anopheles mosquito is the vector for malaria, which is caused by Plasmodium sppparasites, with P. falciparum and vivax malaria being responsible for most of the mortality worldwide. While these parasites have been largely eradicated throughout much of the temperate zone (although risk remains due to the proliferation of the Anopheles spp. vector), malaria continues to be an enormous burden to tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, and particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

Anopheles gambiae Credit: James Gathany Source: CDC
RegionAnopheles Species
AfricaAnopheles gambiae complex 
Anopheles arabiensis
Anopheles funestus
Central and South AmericaAnopheles darlingi
Anopheles marajoara
Anopheles albimanus
Anopheles pseudopunctipennis
Anopheles aquasalis
Anopheles albitarsis
Anopheles braziliensis
Asia PacificAnopheles maculatus
Anopheles sundaicus
Anopheles farauti
Anopheles stephensi
Anopheles letifer
Anopheles balabacensis
North AmericaAnopheles quadrimaculatus 
Anopheles freeborni
Anopheles pseudopunctipennis
Europe, Middle EastAnopheles atroparvus
Anopheles claviger
Anopheles labranchiae
Anopheles messeae
Anopheles plumbeus
Anopheles sacharovi
Anopheles sergentii
Anopheles stephensi
Anopheles superpictus
Anopheles pharoensisi

Anopheles mosquito larvae can be found in a wide variety of habitats. Globally, Anopheles species larval ecology is quite complex. The key vector of malaria in Africa is the Anopheles gambiae complex. This group prefers open-water pools with little vegetation, but has adapted to other habitats.
Anopheles species lay individual eggs, supported by floats, on the water surface or on moist soil immediately adjacent to fluctuating water bodies.

Links to suggested control solutions
VBC BiorationalHabitat
VectoBac WG/WDG
VectoBac 12AS
VectoLex WDG
Open habitats with minimal vegetation/algae; artificial containers
VectoBac Granules
VectoLex Granules
Open and vegetated habitats
VectoMax GranulesOpen and vegetated habitats; multi-habitat, multi-species solution for standing-water habitats
MetaLarv S-PTOpen and vegetated habitats that have dynamic flooding cycles in which pre-flood applications and flood/re-flood capacity is useful

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